
I wasn't too bothered by the use of the term "new wave" back then because "punk rock"

described a specific type of music (and attitude) and most CBGB bands were not punk but were labelled as such. But when Sire used the new term to describe the Ramones, "new wave" seemed to become a political thing: "Don't call it punk or else they won't play it on the radio." And coincidentally this happened shortly after Jesse Jackson made his visits to radio stations...

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Thanks, Maureen!

Yes, Jimmy Carter said that.

Shortly after the Peter Bourne cocaine scandal.

I think this makes any conspiracy theory you want to name when it comes to everything from COINTELPRO to John Lennon's assassination more credible.

It's always so amazing to hear from you.

For hardcore followers?

Maureen was Tom Forcade's personal secretary back in the day, and helped him make the Sex Pistols documentary film due to her record industry connections...

She's also one of us "Tom Forcade Loyalists" who recognize his contributions to 20th Century culture. I personally think he's one of the most important (if the THE most important) counterculture icon of the late 20th century.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

This is a different one on me - Carter said that?!? holy shit. Totally believe it. Were they serving a special Kool-Aid at that festival I wonder? LOL You know every generation has to name its' music. New Wave didn't bother me. Thank goddess my ge-ge-generation didn't get the "Oldies" title rather like the classic rock moniker for the era I grew up in.

In my defense, also like a whole bunch more genres like jazz, classical, world music and some punk. Takes me back. Great stuff JH.

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Yeah, I remember feeling a little aggravated when the term "New Wave" suddenly materialized out of nowhere in the late '70's. Something seemed a little "off". After reading your latest post, it now appears that the term was an example of weaponized language, intended to mislead people. I remember when my friend Randi was booking gigs for the Fleshtones in the early days, the clubs would always ask her: "Are they "New Wave?"—just to make sure they were the right kind of band, and were hip enough to play their venue! "Language is a virus!"

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